The world we live in at the moment is covered with all kinds of people, each individual originating from a different part of the globe and displaying different physical characteristics. I've always been interested in why we all look different as a result of where we come from on the earth.What is it about Nigeria that makes me have brown skin and curly hair, whilst my Japanese friend has white skin and straight hair. Is it something in the air or the soil?

What genes and Fossils tell us!
A very interesting article I stumbled across by national geographic gave a simplified and brief explanation of how humans today, who look like me and you, travelled from africa thousands of years ago to populate the rest of the earth, Asia, Europe, America, Australia and the rest. This migration which led to the population of the rest of the earth took thousands of years and is the reason why, although we are all the same we can look very different.
Geneticists and anthropologists agree that humans that look like us today arose from africa, around 200,000 years ago. The oldest human fossils have been found there and africans display the widest genetic diversity.
For more info from national geographic
In my next post, I will be looking into what route humans took out of Africa, why we decided to leave and what happened to the other types of humans?
To be continued...